Rheumatic diseases encompass a range of conditions that significantly affect not only the musculoskeletal system, but also connective tissue and other important areas of the body, mainly those related to mobility.
It is a condition that is closely related to age (it is estimated that symptoms appear after age 50), so the development of signs and symptoms occurs gradually. The main effects of this condition are joint stiffness and swelling, joint deformity and, in the most severe cases, the appearance of permanent lesions.
It is a condition closely linked to age (it is estimated that symptoms appear after the age of 50), so the onset of signs and symptoms is gradual. The main effects of this condition are joint stiffness and swelling, joint deformation and, in the most severe cases, permanent damage.
It's clear that when a person's motor skills are reduced, their lifestyle and quality of life can be seriously affected. To prevent this from happening, your GP needs to be supported by an interdisciplinary team, capable of finding reliable and effective solutions for your particular situation, which, while not disappearing completely, will not prevent you from carrying out the activities of daily life.
The timely intervention of a physiotherapist in cases of rheumatism will ensure that your lifestyle and rhythm of life are not affected, and if they are, it will not be with the same intensity as those who do not have access to this type of body therapy. By improving joint biomechanics, the patient will experience fewer symptoms and a better quality of life.