Arthritis is the most common joint disorder. It was once considered a natural part of the aging process. However, after decades of study, it was established that the disease could occur at any stage of life, and that age was in fact irrelevant.
The exact causes are still unknown today, but arthritis is thought to be the result of overuse of the joint leading to wear and tear, factors linked to metabolic deficiencies or even genetic inheritance.
This condition is characterized by joint pain and inflammation in various areas of the body, as well as reduced movement and excessive stiffness, mainly after prolonged periods of rest.
The role of physiotherapy is crucial. In recent years, it has become more or less standard practice in the treatment of injuries related to this condition. This is mainly due to the relief of pain and inflammation in patients who undergo kinesiology, as well as delaying progression and contributing to the development of a normal life.
Think you might be suffering from arthritis?