What is acupuncture?
Over 5,000 years old, acupuncture is one of the branches of traditional Chinese medicine, based on the implantation and manipulation of fine needles at various points on the body for therapeutic purposes. Traditional acupuncture is based on pre-scientific and vitalist concepts, elaborating its diagnostic and therapeutic reasoning on a Taoist energetic vision of man and the universe.
Our acupuncturists
Duly trained and experienced, our acupuncturists are members of the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec. After a thorough evaluation, the acupuncturist will insert fine sterile needles and leave them to work for up to 40 minutes, depending on the treatment.
The acupuncturist can help your body's various systems return to full function. Treatments are pain-free and carried out in accordance with ancient acupuncture techniques.
This service is offered in all three clinics
When should you seek acupuncture treatment?
Research has demonstrated the many benefits of acupuncture in the treatment of various disorders and conditions, including:
- Gastrointestinal disorders, such as esophageal spasms, hyperacidity, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and diarrhea
- Arthritis
- Chest pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Muscle spasms such as tremors, tics and contractures
- Shoulder pain, neck pain and torticollis
Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine through the dialectic of the human body internal organs, meridians, joints, qi and blood and fluids, so that the human body can achieve harmony and yin and yang, justice and evil spirits, and meridians dredge, is the body to restore internal balance.We use a variety of Chinese herbs to treat chronic and degenerative problems as well as some difficult, rare and complex cases. Herbal medicines can reduce the side effects of chemo-radiotherapy, slow the progression of disease and improve the immune system and quality of life. In some cases, patients will have better clinical results when acupuncture is combined with herbal treatments.
A deep-tissue massage therapy. It combines the use of the acupressure roller/pressure and rubbing, opens the body's defenses (Chi) and moves energy in the meridian as well as muscles and tendons. It is well-suited to the treatment of specific chronic stress-related disorders and muscular pain.
Meridian Facial Rejuvenation
A natural, safe and effective alternative to cosmetic surgery. By lifting the face, acupuncture or rejuvenation massage, it can stimulate facial metabolism, promote blood circulation, lift facial muscles and reduce wrinkles. It nourishes and regenerates skin cells.